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Why Ayurveda is The Best Medical System for Overall Health?

Why Ayurveda is The Best Medical System for Overall Health?

Views: 15 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India.

it is the science of life and is the oldest and traditional Indian science of health. Though India can be proud to be known as the origin of Ayurveda, many other parts of the world have realized its huge benefits and followed it as a health practice.

What exactly does Ayurveda have up its sleeve? Can it qualify to be adopted as a comprehensive healthcare system for patients of all ages?

Comprehensive treatment

Irregular eating habits and the accumulation of toxins cause extensive damage to the body and mind. In the present-day circumstances, several bad factors play a major role in deteriorating our health.

• Hectic lifestyle plays ruination in inducing stressful conditions and leading to numerous health problems.

• • Improper sleep due to anxiety and stress levels saps body energy.

• Postural issues due to work conditions and a complete lack of physical activities further deteriorate the situation and result in muscular problems.

All these factors lead to a plunging health graph and in short, the process of aging gets accelerated and the body subjects itself to extensive wear and tear.

What is the solution? Ayurveda offers solutions to all these problems and as a matter of fact, has the ability to prevent them completely. The relaxation techniques, detoxification, and rejuvenating therapies lead to achieving the best possible health condition. Various combinations of therapies and medicines present numerous options for treatment that suits the convenience of the patients.

Ayurveda approaches a holistic way of treatment as it concentrates not only on physical health but also aims in achieving mental, social, and spiritual wellness. The very beauty of Ayurveda is that it does not try to suppress ailments by prescribing drugs. Instead, it treats the whole body and aims to prevent ailments by finding and eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Every individual is different. Ayurveda emphasizes the imbalance in Doshas (Vata, pitta, and kapha) as the main reason for the occurrence of any disease. A patient’s primary Dosha is evaluated to find the quantum of domination of one over the others. A detailed analysis that includes checking pulse, skin, hair, tongue, and gums and analyzing sleep patterns is carried out to determine dosha. Over-dominating doshas are the main reason for any ailment and Ayurveda helps in balancing these Doshas by altering lifestyle, diet, yoga, and other natural therapies.

Ayurveda uses only natural herbs and it has proved to change millions of lives through its safe procedures. When treated by qualified practitioners, Ayurveda offers only benefits such as bounty and does not carry any side effects. Some natural herbs like turmeric and neem (rich with anti-oxidant properties) are used to treat many ailments. No other medicinal system embraces nature as Ayurveda does and hence it is not surprising to see simple concepts of nature being lapped by Ayurveda to treat ailments.

Unlike Modern medicines, Ayurveda has excellent preventive tools that can very well elaborate the body conditions and predict the possible diseases that you are prone to. These very features assist greatly in maintaining health in good condition and reduce the chances of occurrence of the predicted ailments.

When the body's system is filled with toxins, what would be the right option? Suppress them with remedial action or flush them out? Ayurveda does not suppress the toxins but flushes them out. In fact, this is the basic concept of the detoxification program of Ayurveda.

Based on the conditions of the doshas, Ayurveda clearly understands the need of each and every individual. Through its complete wellness program, no doubt, Ayurveda brings balance to our life.

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