Ayurveda is a pioneer and one of the oldest medicines. In Ayurveda, the skin color is called Varna and has a variety of physiological and pathological effects. Varnya, on the other hand, is a classic term for restoring and maintaining the natural skin texture and skin tone .
Varnya Mahakashaya is the 8th group of 50 Mahakashaya, described in Charak Sutrasthan chapter 4 and contains 10 drugs. The mechanism of action of the herbs mentioned in Varnya Mahakashya is maintaining skin complextion.
According to
Charaka samhita, The Dravya of Varnya Mahakashaya are tikta-madhur rasatmak(bitter-sweat in test), rakta prasadak(blood purifier)
and kaph pittashamak(pacifies kapha and pitta).
These medicines are used either internally
or externally, either individually or in combination in a variety of ways.
A drug that improves the
appearance of the skin complexion is known as Varnya. Skin complexion is
nothing but a natural color and texture.
Ayurveda’s main motive is to cure disease and prevent
disease or illness. Ayurveda is a comprehensive and
ancient science that provides information on all medical
चन्दनतुङ्गपद्मकोशीरमधुकमञ्जिष्ठासारिवापयस्यासितालता इति दशेमानि वर्ण्यानि भवन्ति(charak samhita)
According to Aacharya charak,Dravyas in Varnya Mahakashaya Includes-shwet chandan, manjishtha, padmak, sariva, nagkeshar,
ushir, yashtimadhu, neel (harita) durva, shwet durva,
S.N. - Dravya name- Latin name- Family
1. Shwet Chandan- Antalum album -Santalaceae
2. Padamak -Prunus cyrasodius- Rosaceae
3. Nagkeshar -Mesua ferrea- Guttiferae
4. Ushir- Vetiveria zizaniodis -Gramineae
5. Manjishtha- Rubia cordifolia- Rubiaceae
6. Sariva- Hemidesmus indicus- Asclepiadaceae
7. Shwet durva-Cynodon dactylon -Graminaceae
8. Neel-Cynodon dactylon -Graminaceae
9. Yashtimadhu- Glycyrrhiza glabra -Leguminosae
10. Kshirvidari -Ipomoia digitata- Leguminosae.
Varnya dravya has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential so it improve skin complextion and itching.
Mode of action of Varnya dravya according to Ayurveda
Varnya dravyas when used externally or internally
acts on Bhrajaka Pitta. Bhrajaka pitta is an important factor related with Varna (complexion).
and Ushna virya(hot potency) stimulates Bhrajaka Pitta and does
Raktavardhana so helps absorb the medicines
applied externally and improves Varna
Madhura rasatmaka dravyas increase the production
of Rasa, Rakta, Majja, Shukra, Oja which in turn
acts on Varna.
Madhura-Tikta rasa, and Sheeta virya has
Pittaghna action.
Madhura rasa and Sheeta Virya act as Ojovardhaka
and thus helps enhancing skin complexion.
Madhura rasa, Madhura Vipaka, Ushna virya has
Vataghna action and hence removes blackishness.
Stickiness and increased fluidity is an indicator of
impurities in the blood. Kashaya and Tikta
Rasatmaka dravyas absorb Kleda and cools down
Pitta. It therefore results in purification of blood.
It relieves the blood of excess
fluidity and stickiness. And this way leads to Varna
So we can say that Dravyas(herbs) in Varnya
Mahakashaya act as Varnya, Raktaprasadak,
Raktavardhaka, Raktashodhaka, Ojovardhaka,
Pittaghna and Vataghna.
Varnya Mahakashaya not only works on blood but
also acts as filtering agent of blood in body, example-
So Ayurveda physican should use these herbs in different
combinations and forms to treat patients to obtain
glowing skin and skin complexion.