It is considered that any divination from physiology is termed as 'Pathology'. Ayurveda clearly quoted that homeostasis between dosha - dhatu - malas bestows healthy state and any derangement in this results in 'Vyadhi' (disease). If we look into the classical texts under the term Hridrogas(heart disease), we find only five major types. It does not mean that diseases concerned with or involved with heart and C.V.S. are only five in number according to Ayurveda. Acharyas of Ayurveda have classified the 'Cardiovascular signs and symptoms of similar origin' into five major groups. These in turn consist of the other cardiovascular problems described in the modern medicine.
'Hṛdroga' is defined as the disease concerned with Hṛdaya (heart). It can also be defined as the disease pertaining to the heart or the disease which will cause agony to Hṛidaya.
[I] Nidana (Etiology)-
SAMANYA NIDANA (Common Etiology)-
Excessive or repeated indulgence with the following factors will lead to Hṛdrogas -
sarira karaṇas (somatic factors)-
Persons weakened by Jvara and Atisara (fever and diarrhoea), Ama sandharaṇa (rheumatism), Karya (wasting), Mada (intoxication with alcohol), Chardi (vomiting), Vegadharana (suppression of natural urges) etc.
वेगाघातोष्णसात्रैरतिमात्रशेपसेवितैः । विरुद्धाध्यशनाजीर्णैरसात्म्यैश्चापि भोजनैः ॥(su.u. 43/3)
अत्युष्णगुर्वत्र कषायतिक्त श्रमाभिघाताशनप्रसङ्गः । संचिन्तनैर्वेगविधारणैश्च हृदामयः पञ्चविधः प्रदिष्टः ॥
(1) Vikṛti Vigyanam(Cardiovascular Pathology)-
Nissasa dharana (obstructing expiration) and Baspa nigrahana (suppression of tears) will lead to hridrogas (Cs.Su.7/21.).
(2) Manasika karaṇas (Psychic factors)- Cinta (bother), Bhaya (timid), Trasa (frightening others) etc. (Cs.Su. 17/30-40).
(3) Vihara karaṇas (Behavioral factors)- Vyayama (exercise), srama (strain), Gurubhara vahanam (heavy exercise due to carrying heavy weights) etc. (Cs.Su.30/30-40 & Ma.Ni.).
(4) Ahara karaṇas (dietetic factors)- Uṣṇa and Rukṣa Anna sevana (consuming very hot and dry foods), Viruddhasana (incompatible foods), Adhyasana (bulmia), Ajeerṇasana (polyphagia), Asatmya bhojana (eating allergic food substances), Guru anna sevana (eating late digesting foods), Kasaya and tikta rasa sevana (consuming astringent and bitter substances)- (Cs.Su.30/30-40 & Ma.Ni.).
(5) Cikitsakrta karaṇas (Iatrogenic factors)- Tīkṣṇa Virechana(drastic purgatives), Tīkṣṇa vasti (enema with irritants), improperly performed Pancakarma therapy etc. (Cs.Su.30/30-40 & Ma.Ni.).
(6) Agantuka karanas (external factors)- Abhighata (injury), Atiuccha patanam (falling from great height) etc. (Cs.Su.30/30-40 & Ma.Ni.).
(7) Vagbhata quoted that the etiology of Hṛdroga and Gulma are one and same. Hence, they may be studied together (Cs.Su.30/ 30-40 & Ma.Ni.). Caraka also mentioned that Kaphaja gulma leads to hṛdroga (Cs.Ni.3/11.).
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