The human body is an amazing working mechanism that controls complex structures and systems that enable one to carry out everyday tasks with ease. You don’t even think about most of the tasks that the body performs but it coordinates everything so you can function efficiently every second.
The nervous system is responsible for nearly all the activities that take place in your body. It is often dubbed the command center because it is in control of an array of processes you don’t even think about such as breathing. The nervous system is essentially what makes you human as it enables you to make sense of the world around you.
It can be broken down into two sub-parts- the central nervous system or CNS and the peripheral nervous system. CNS involves brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system takes information from the CNS and sends it to the other parts of your body such as your organs.
The peripheral nervous system can be further broken down into the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system. The CNS and peripheral nervous systems contain cells known as nerve cells or neurons. The neurons use electrical signals to communicate with each other and with other cells in the body. Neurons interpret information and make you aware of what is happening. When you look at a butterfly, neurons help interpret what you are looking at so you can understand what it is. Neurons make up a large network so that communication can occur between your entire body.
The nervous system affects all parts related to your health. How you respond when you are emotional is governed by the nervous system. Similarly, your ability to move the way you want is the responsibility of the nervous system. The nervous system controls your memory and your thought processes. The aging process is also controlled by the nervous system. It affects your senses so you can feel, touch, see, taste, and hear. It controls your body development such as puberty and even your digestion.