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Role of Ahara in Promotion of Health

Role of Ahara in Promotion of Health

Views: 31 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems.

To attain healthy life ayurveda concentrates on various rules & regulations diet rule is also among that if diet rule(Aahar vidhi) is followed properly, it helps to increase health,enhance life span and keeps away from disease.

 Ahara (food) is the most important factor for sustenance of life. It is described as foremost pillar among the three pillars of life (Trayopsthambha - Ahara, Nidra and Bhramcharya) . When body is supported by the Trayopstambhasa, it is endowed by growth, strength and complexion. Ayurveda describes four forms of food namely- Ashita(eatables), Khadita(chewable), Peeta (drinkable), leedha (lickable).

In Ayurveda the universe is described to be formed from Panchamahabhuta (five basic elements namely Akash, Vayu, Teja, Jala and Prithvi)  Accordingly, Ahara is also described to be Akashiya, Vayavya, Agneya, Apya and Parthiva, which when consumed in appropriate proportions, helps in providing nourishment to deha dhatus (body tissues), growth, development and enhancement of ojas.

Healthy body by intake of proper Ahara leads to happiness, observance of truth & brahmacharya and ultimately to salvation.

Ahara (food) is very important to sustain life and maintaining normal physiological functioning of human body.  Ahara not only provide nourishment but protects from infections, enhances process of growth & development, improves functioning of sense organs and imparts physical & mental well being.

Food consumed in proper manner offers vital energy of life and Proper diet improves Rajas quality thus enhances thinking and taking making capacities. 

Appropriate dietary conduction balances Tamas quality thus control sleep, emotions and mental stress. And Similarly improvement in Satva quality contributes towards the peace and relaxation. 

Ahara is one of the vital aspects of life and provides several health benefits especially when consumed in proper manner. The food consumed in proper manner helps to balances Doshas, Dhatus and Agni. The appropriate dietary considerations synchronize physical, mental and spiritual health. Ayurveda presented concept of Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatan as rules of preparing and consuming meal which helps to achieve health benefits of food.

The consumption of meal asp per rule imparts many health benefits and gives maximum nutritious value of consumed foods, while avoidance of concept of Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatan not only deprived nutritious value of food but also causes many health ailments including; diarrhoea, indigestion, hyperacidity and anorexia, etc. So aahar helps in Promotion of Health and keeps away from disease.





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