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Pharmacological activity and Medicinal Value of Ankola (Alangium salvifolium Linn.)-A Review

Pharmacological activity and Medicinal Value of  Ankola (Alangium salvifolium Linn.)-A Review

Views: 38 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

Dr. Rachana Kumari Jangir,Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan, DSRRAU Jodhpur(raj.)

Dr. Sangeeta, Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan, DSRRAU Jodhpur(raj.)

Dr. Chandan singh, professor & H.O.D. of PG studies in Dravyaguna Vigyan, DSRRAU Jodhpur(raj.)

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Purviya, Associate professor of PG studies in Dravyaguna Vigyan, DSRRAU Jodhpur(raj.)

Dr. Manoj kumar Adlakha,Associate professor of PG studies in Dravyaguna Vigyan, DSRRAU Jodhpur(raj.)


We all are well aware of the medicinal values of plants. They are one of the most important sources of medicines. Medicinal plants are extensively utilized throughout the world in two distinct areas of health management; the traditional system of medicine and the modern system of medicine.

Alangium salvifolium Linn., commonly known as Ankolah (Ankola) is categorized under rare plant has been used traditionally for treatment of various diseases. Almost every part of it including roots, leaves, stem and bark are used in the Ayurveda systems of medicines for the treatment of various diseases.

The present review highlights the traditional uses of different parts of A. salvifolium, its phytochemical constituents with therapeutic activity and the evidence based studies on various pharmacological effects of the plant.


Medicinal plant also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since pre-historic period and medicinal plants extract pure compound or as a derivative is being used for various therapeutic purposes.

The WHO (World Health Organization) reported in 2008 that 80% of Asian population uses herbal medicinal products for their primary health care and the data are same for develop countries also. In earlier classical ayurveda text mention that –

अङ्कोलः कटुकः स्निग्धो विषलूतादिदोषनुत् | कफानिलहरः सूतः शुद्धिकृद्रेचनीयकः ||(राजनिघण्टु. प्रभद्रादिवर्ग ७५)

Ankola is Katu(pungent) in rasa (taste), Snigdha(unctuous) in Guna and also used in Luta visha (infectious bite of spider) etc.,it pacifies kapha-vata dosha and also purgative in nature.

Later on in modern text described that the roots of A. salvifolium have been used as an astringent, emollient, anti helmentic, and diuretic, and to treat rheumatism (Anon, 1996). Decoction of bark has been used as an emetic in India (George, 1984). Fruits of A. salvifolium are used as a purgative and cooling agent (Anon, 1996). Alangium A and B from root bark, and akoline, lamarkine, alangine, akharkantine from bark, have been reported (Chopra et al., 1980).

Geographical distribution of A. salvifolium

A. salvifolium is widely distributed over the plains and lower mountain areas throughout India and elsewhere in East Africa to China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and New Guinea. In peninsular India, usually found in dry deciduous forests, along roadsides and cultivated lands near villages (Hyderabad forests and Sitamata wildlife sanctuary, Rajasthan.).


Macroscopical evalution of the plant-

Alangium salviifolium Linn.(Family- Alangiaceae) is a deciduous bushy shrub or small tree, with or without spines, young branchlets often rusty-pubescent. Bark pale brown, aromatic, with rough cracks, and exfoliating in corky scales. Leaves alternate, elliptic, or ovate, apex acute or obtuse with a pair of basal and 4–6 pairs of lateral veins. Inflorescence axillary, flowers Flowers are white or yellowish-white, bisexual, on articulated pedicels and flowering season is between February to June. Fruit drupaceous, crowned with remnants of calyx, 1–2 seeded and A. salvifolium can be propagated by seeds and is albuminous in shape.

Microscopical evaluation of the plant

The stomatal index and stomatal frequency of the leaves of A. salvifolium are 52.63 and 65/sq. mm respectively. The vein islets number is 11.4/sq. mm and the vein termination is with an average of 13/sq. mm. The organoleptic evaluation reveals that the extracts from different plant parts are odourless and tasteless. Under fluorescent light leaf powder shows different colours in various extracts. The leaves stem and root powders with various extracts shows the presence of alkaloids, phenol, tannins and reducing sugars. It also shows the presence of chlorine, sulphur and iron in stem, roots and leaves . TS of the root bark shows outer phellem, a broad zone of irregular phellem showing development of rhytidome, a narrow band of cortex and phloem. Phellem is well developed and 0.1–0.15 mm wide. Phellem tissue is sometimes seen in 5 or more successive layers with alternating parenchymatous tissue in between them due to the formation of phellogen at different levels in the outer phloem region of the root. The parenchymatous tissues in between two phellem layers are composed of slightly obliterated phloem elements and parenchyma cells. Some of the cells contain druse crystals of calcium oxalate measuring up to 18–30 μ in diameter. The phloem extends from the cambial zone up to the phellem tissue. The cells are usually uniformly thin-walled and regularly arranged except that the cells towards the phellem show radial divisions and are larger in size. Sclerenchyma cells are absent in the phloem region. Cambium is a narrow zone composed of 4–5 rows of thin-walled regularly arranged cells measuring 12–27 μ tangentially and 6–9 μ radially .

Preliminary phytochemical studies

Preliminary phytochemical investigation reveals the presence of various primary metabolites like cephaeline, tubulosine, isotobulosine, psychotrine and alangiside in roots. Alkaloids A & B, Alangicine, dimethylpsychotrine, marckine, marckidine, lamarckinine in root bark. Alangimarkine, ankorine, deoxytobulosine, alangiside, alangine, sterols and three triterpenoids cepheline, N-methylcephaeline, deoxytobulosine and alangiside in fruits and alangimarine, alamanine, alangimaridine, emetine, cephaeline, psychotrine in seeds.

Ethnomedicinal uses

अङ्कोटो दीर्घकीलः स्यादङ्कोलश्च निकोचकः | अङ्कोटकः कटुस्तीक्ष्णः स्निग्धोष्णस्तुवरो लघुः | रेचनः कृमिशूलामशोफग्रहविषापहः ||139||

विसर्पकफपित्तास्रमूषकाहिविषापहः | तत्फलं शीतलं स्वादु श्लेष्मघ्नं बृंहणं गुरु | बल्यं विरेचनं वातपित्तदाहक्षयास्रजित् ||140|| ||भावप्रकाशनिघण्टु||

A. salvifolium has been used as traditionally laxative, antiepileptic, astringent, antiulcer, pungent, purgative, alleviates spasms, anthelmintic, emetic, antiprotozoa, hypoglycemic agent. It has been reported that it is used to cure skin diseases like leprosy, scabies and as contraceptives for pigs and cattle rearing by the tribes in Kerala.

Stem and root barks of A. salvifolium were screened for their helicon bactericidal activity. During summer season, it is used for timber, fuel and fodder because of its good nutritional value in some of West Himalayan areas of India.

In Ayurveda, the roots and the fruits are used for treatment of rheumatism, burning sensation and haemorrhages. The root barks of A. salvifolium were used externally as an antidote against snake/scorpion, rabbit, rat, dog bites. In Philippines, the roots and the fruits are used for treatment of rheumatism and hemorrhoid externally . In Comoros, Africa, a decoction of whole plant along with fruit of coconut is used to treat boils. Leaves are used to cure asthma in China .

Pharmacological screening of A. salvifolium

 Antimicrobial activity

To evaluate the antimicrobial activity, agar cup plate test was used to determine the sensitivity of the samples and the well micro-dilution was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts were tested on gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25925, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Staphylococcus epidermis ATCC 12228 and Micrococcus luteus ATCC 10240)) and gram-negative bacteria (Enterobacter aerogens ATCC 13048, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Salmonella typhi ATCC 51812 and Shigella dysenteriae ATCC 25931). The results of antimicrobial assays showed that all tested extracts were active against all tested microbial species including gram positive and negative bacteria. The alcoholic extract showed direct antimicrobial activity against all tested microorganism with minimum inhibitory concentration ranging between 0.130 and 0.520 mg/ml, while aqueous extract showed 0.26–2.10 mg/ml, respectively. The extract has been reported to contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Hence these compounds may be responsible for the antimicrobial effect by killing the bacteria by directly damaging the cell membrane.

 Antiulcer activity

The petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and aqueous root extracts of A. salvifolium at the doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg were tested on pylorus ligated Wistar rats. Among the extracts, the petroleum ether extract of A. salvifolium reduces the total acidity, free acidity, peptic activity and ulcer index significantly when compared to other extracts. It has been proved that A. salvifolium acts by blocking the acid secretion on H+-K+-ATPase proton pump by inhibition of H+- K+-ATPase activity of the parietal cells.

 Antiarthritic activity

The antiarthritic activity of A. salvifolium stem barks was evaluated in Wistar rats using Fruends adjuant arthritis model. The petroleum ether, choloroform, methanol, ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts were administered at a dose of 100 mg/kg for 21 days. The paw volume and paw thickness were measured and all the extracts of A. salvifolium showed potent anti-arthritic activity and the potency were in the order as follows, >chloroform > ethyl acetate > aqueous > petroleum ether > methanol. It has been reported that the steroids present in the plant extracts may be responsible for the anti-arthritic activity by inhibiting the inflammation due to the Fruends adjuant (inflammogen).

 Anthelmitic activity

A. salvifolium bark extract of 50, 100 and 150 mg/ml were tested against earthworms (Pheretimaposthuma) to evaluate the anthelmintic activity. The methanol and chloroform extracts exhibited significant anthelmintic activity at the highest concentration 150 mg/ml. The possible mode of action is by increasing chloride ion conductance of worm muscle membrane there by produces hyperpolarization hence excitability decreases, which leads to muscle relaxation and flaccid paralysis .

 Antioxidant activity

The antioxidant activity of alcoholic root extract of A. salvifolium was tested by using DPPH and nitric oxide radical inhibiting activity methods. In DPPH radical scavenging method, alcoholic and aqueous extract of A. salvifolium root at a dose 200 μg/ml exhibits 76.4% and 62.4% inhibition and standard drug ascorbic acid showed 88.6% inhibition and the EC50 (μg/ml) was found to be 120.48, 135.14 and 96.15 μg/ml, respectively. In nitric oxide radical scavenging method, alcoholic extracts, aqueous extract and ascorbic acid exhibited 74.9%, 59.7% and 83.5% inhibition and the EC50 (μg/ml) was found to be 308.80, 450.8 and 201.32 μg/ml respectively. Among these two methods, the alcoholic extract exhibited more antioxidant activity with low EC50 value. The presence of high phenolic and flavonoid content in the A. salvifolium extracts has contributed directly to the antioxidant activity by neutralizing the free radicals.

 Antifertility activity

Androgenic and anti-androgenic activity of the total alkaloid fraction of A. salvifolium stem bark methanolic extract was performed in male wistar rats. Oral administration of 10 and 20 mg/kg b.wt. total alkaloid fraction were administered for 7 days. The results of the study showed a significant increase in the weight of testis, seminal vesicles, ventral prostate and epididymis in the treated rats. The total alkaloid fraction has produced abortifacient and less anti-implantation activities .

 Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity

Analgesic activity of methanolic extract of A. salvifolium root was performed using albino mice. The methanolic extract at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg was administered i.p, 30 min before writhing induction. Acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 400 mg/kg was used as standard. The study shown marked analgesic activity at a dose of 200 mg/kg (i.p.), the extract possessed a slightly weaker analgesic activity than acetylsalicylic acid (400 mg/kg) .

The anti-inflammatory study was performed using carrageenan- induced paw edema model. The methanolic extract of A. salvifolium root at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg and standard acetylsalicylic acid (400 mg/kg) were intraperitoneally injected to rats 30 min before carrageenan induction. It was found that the methanolic extract inhibited the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema at 100 and 200 mg/kg b. wt. The possible mechanism of action is that salviifoside B, the major component in the extract inhibits the production of nitric oxide, prostaglandin E2, and tumor necrosis factor-α, which are the mediators of inflammation. Similarly, anti-inflammatory activity was also observed in case of root extract in carrageenan induced paw edema model in rats. Significant percent inhibition of paw oedema was observed within 6 h, supporting its traditional use for treatment of inflammation .

 Diuretic activity

The benzene and ethyl acetate extracts of A. salvifolium root at a dose of 250 mg/kg were evaluated for diuretic activity using Lipschitz method. The study involves the evaluation of total urine volume and Na+, K+ and Cl− concentration in urine. The extract (250 mg/kg) treatment showed increased urine volume and concentration of Na+, K+ and Cl− in urine. From the study, it was confirmed that the benzene and ethyl acetate extracts of A. salvifolium root possess potent diuretic activity at a dose of 250 mg/kg b.wt. The possible mechanism of action of A. salvifolium is by inhibiting sodium reabsorption through another mechanism that involves neither the Na+/H+ exchanger nor NaKCl2 transporter, leading to more sodium and consequently more water retention in the tubes .

 Antifungal activity

Aqueous leaf extract of A. salvifolium is reported for its growth inhibitory activity against Trichotheciumroseum, a fungal pathogen, however the effect was not found to be very much significant. The ethanolic extract of roots has been reported against Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. flavus, Fusariumoxysporum, Penicillumsps and Rizopussps. The lyophilized powder extract of pulverized wood showed inhibitory effect against various isolates of dermatophytes and Candida albicans. The inhibitory effect on dermatophytes was found to be comparable to ketoconazole in agar disc diffusion assay, however significant differences were observed in case of Candida albicans.

 Anticancer activity

In vivo anticancer potential of crude extract of A. salvifolium flowers was evaluated in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma model in mice. Intraperitoneal administration of extract resulted in significant reduction in tumor growth as compared with control mice. The anticancer activities of chloroform extract were also investigated which showed similar results. The study indicated a significant increase in the lifespan of the tumor bearing mice by 32 days. Similarly, in vitro antitumor activity was tested against Dalton’s ascitic lymphoma murine cell lines using different doses of methanolic extract. The extracts significantly decreased tumor volume, weight and viable cells and increased non-viable cells after 14 days of oral administration. Lesser side effects were observed during the treatment. Compounds 27- O-trans-caffeoylcylicodiscic acid and myriceric acid exhibited cytotoxic activity towards the MOLT-3 cell line with IC50 values of 5.6 and 3.9 μm, respectively, and compound 8 selectively inhibited the growth of the HepG2 cancer cell line with an IC50 value of 7.1 μm.

 Acute toxicity study

A. salvifolium extract were evaluated for acute toxicity study according to the OECD guidelines No. 425 of CPCSEA. The LD50 values of the extract were found to be 1000 mg/kg b. wt.


A. salvifolium is an excellent medicinal herb which has numerous bioactive phytochemicals. Almost every part of this plant has been used in the Ayurveda and various other traditional systems of medicines for treatment of various diseases. In modern scientific literatures, plant extracts have been reported to have potential efficacy against hypertension, diabetes, cancer, inflammation, ulcer, etc. Various plant parts have been found to possess biological activity more specifically towards overcoming metabolic ailments. This review illustrates the medicinal value of plant parts such as leaves, flower, root, root bark, stem and stem bark.


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