BOTANICAL NAME- Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn.
FAMILY- Oleaceae
SANSKRIT NAMES-Parijata, Parijataka, Shephalika, Ragapushpi, Kharapatraka, Prajakta, Nalakumkumaka, Harshringarapushpak.
ENGLISH NAME- Night jasmine, Coral jasmine.
HINDI NAME- Parja, Har, Siharu, Harsinghar, Saherwa, Seoli, Nibari.
BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION- A small tree of 3-10 m hight, with grey or greenish white rough bark. Branchlets quadrangular, strigose, leaves ovate, acuminate, entire or with a few large distant teeth, rough and scabrous above, densely pubescent beneath, flowers small, 3-7 in each head, arranged in trichotomous cymes, corolla fragrant, white, 4-8 lobed, with bright orange tube, capsules sub-orbicular, compressed, chartaceous, separating into two flat 1-seeded segments
HABITAT-it I found in all over india , occurring wild in the sub-Himalayan region, from Chenab to Nepal up to 1500 m, Chota Nagpur, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Southwards to Godavari.
PARTS USED- Leaf, bark, seed
PROPERTIES- Guna- Laghu, Ruksha(light, dry)
Rasa – Tikta(bitter)
Veerya – Ushna(hot)
Vipaka – Katu(pungent)
Doshaghnata – Kaphavatashmaka(pacify vata and kapha)
ROGAGHNATA- Kaphavatavikara, Pittavikara, Khalitya, Gridhrasi, Sandhivata, Agnimandya, Vibandha, Yakridvikara, Pleehodara, Arsha,Krimi, Raktavikara, Kasa, Shwasa, Kanthashaluka, Mootrakrichchhra, Udakameha, Twagdosha, Jeernajwara Karma-Pittasanshodhana, Jantughna, Keshya, Vedanasthapana, Deepana, Anulomana, Pittasaraka, Krimighna, Raktashodhaka, Kaphaghna, Mootrala,Swedajanana, Jwaraghna, Vishaghna.
ACTIONS AND USES-leaves-The leaves are bitter, anti-inflammatory, digestive, anthelmintic, depurative, febrifuge, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, trichogenous, and useful in obstinate sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, inflammations, dyspepsia, helminthiasis, pruritus, skin diseases, chronic and bilious fevers, bronchitis, asthma, cough, strangury, constipation, hepatic disorders, haemorrhoids, greyness of hair and baldness.
Bark- Bark eaten with betelnut and leaf promotes expectoration of thick phlegm. The bark in combination with Arjuna bark (Terminalia arjuna) is considered to be useful in internal injuries and healing of wounds including fractured bones.
Flower- The flowers are bitter, astringent, ophthalmic, stomachic, carminative, trichogenous, and useful in inflammations, eye diseases, flatulence, colic, dyspepsia, splenomegaly, greyness of hair and baldness.
Seed- The seeds are very useful in baldness, scurvy and affections of the scalp.
Chewing of root alleviates enlargement of uvula, tonsillitis etc.
DOSE-Juice- 10-20 ml, Powder- 1-3 gm; Decoction- 50-100 ml.
FORMULATIONS- Nashtapushpantaka rasa, Shankhapushpi taila.
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES-Antispasmodic, hypotensive, antiamoebic, antinociceptive, CNS depressant, insecticidal, respiratory stimulant, neuromuscular blocking, analgesic, anti inflammatory, antineoplastic, antiallergic, hepatoprotective, antileishmanial, antiviral, antifungal, immunostimulant, hypnotic, tranquillizing, mild antimalarial, antimicrobial, antipyretic, immunomodulatory, antibacterial.
PROPAGATION AND CULTIVATION-It is cultivated in gardens almost throughout India up to an altitude of 1500 m for its fragrant flowers. In natural habitat it grows fast on dry steep hill sides and rocky grounds. It can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. The plant thrives well in various types of soil and climatic conditions.
(Reference-database of medicinal plants used in ayurveda)For more information about health and ayurveda,stay connected with us.