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Kutaja - Introduction, usage, dose & side effects.

Kutaja -  Introduction, usage, dose & side effects.

Views: 9 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir


Botanical name - Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn.

Family - Apocyanaceac

English name: Kurchi

Sanskrit synonames : Kutaja, Shakra, Vatsaka, Girimallika, Kalinga, Pravishya, Shakrapadaka Varatika, Yavaphala, Mahagandha, Koti, shatrubhuuruha.

# Botanical Description-
Flowers -white, fragrant similar to jasmine flowers, 2.5-3.75 cms in length

Fruits two pods arise on the same stalk. fruit are long and hard, The pods contain seed embedded in soft cottonlike material. The pods burst spontaneously and the seeds are dispersed with the help of the feathery cotton-like substance.

Habitat: The plant can be found in jungles of Saharanpur . in india ,especially in the himalayan ranges. Kutaja has traditionl and folklore values. Ex. - people in the india state of odisha offer kutaja plant leaf together with rice during the" NABANNA” celebration.


ayurvedic classification: Charaka acharya mentions two varietie.

1) male kutaja - Male kutaja Stem and bark white.

2) female kutaja - Female kutaja stem and bark dark.

Modern classification of varieties of kutaja:

A) White : 1. Bark smoky brown, 2. Leaf whitis, 3. Flowers - white, small

B) dark (black) : bark black on drying

Chemical composition of kutaja :The bark and seeds contain kurchicine and kurchine.

Medicinal qualities : Guna (qualities) - ruksha(dryness), laghu(lightness)

#Rasa- tikta(bitter), Kashaya (astringent)

Vipak - katu ( undergoes pungent taste conversion after digest)

Veerya- sheeta (cold potency)

Effect of TriDosha: ruksha, tikta, kashaya and sheeta it is kapha-pittashamak. it is useful in many kapha and pitta diseases due to blood and lymphoid system.

External use: kutaja Stem, bark and seeds are optimum for healing of ulcers.A decoction of these helps in ulcer treatment.

Internal use :

Digestive system: Vatashaman, deepan, inhibitor of inflammation, loss of appetite. Useful in diarrhoea and dysentery. the use in amoebiasis without the long term side effects of emetine, The total alkaloids of the tender pods and leaves are useful in worm infection in children. Bark is most effective in jaundice.

Circulatory system:Useful in bleeding disorders.

Reproductive system:Removes muscular weakness and tones up vaginal tissues after delivery.

Dosage - powder - 3 to 6gm

Its water decoction (Kashaya) is given in a dose of 50 to 100 ml per day.

Side effects : • Nausea • Constipation • Vertigo

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