Botanical name-Andrographis paniculate linn.
English name-creat,green chirayita.
Sankrit name-bhunimbha,yavtikta
Botanical description-it is a small hurb(1.5-3 feet),
Stem-quandraugular, hairy and green in colour.
Flowers-small,whitish, light violet colour
Fruit-look like yava.
Seed- quandraugular
Habitat-it found in all over india but mainly found in water zone area.
Chemical composition-andrographolide, neoandrographloide, andrographine, panicoline, paniculide-A, paniculide-B, paniculide-C.
GUNA-laghu,ruksha,tikshna(light,dry and sharpe in nature)
RASA- tikta(bitter in taste)
VEERYA – ushna(hot)
DOSHA-kaphapittahara(pacify kapha and pitta)
Prbhav(effect)- Javarghana(useful in fever)
भूनिम्बो वातलस्तिक्तः कफपित्तज्वरापहः | (राजनिघण्टु)
pharmacological action- antihepatotoxic, hepatoproyative, antimalarialcholinergic, cardiovasular, antipyretic,antiinflammatory,anti-typhoid, antiallergic, antimicrobial,anti-HIV etc.
Uses of bhunimbha(kalamegha) –
• Jvaraghna-useful in fever.
• Prvahika-useful in diarrhoea(kalmegha arka/powder)
• Yakritvaridhi- useful in enlargement of is also liver stimulant.
• Ajirna-imrove the appetite and digestion
• Krimighana-useful in worm infestation
• Svedajanana-stimulates sweating,useful in fever
• Kusthaghana-useful in skin disorder.
Formulation of kalmegha-kalpananath vati, sudarshna churna, kalmeghaghanavati.
Useful part- whole palnt and root.
Juice-5 to 10 ml
Powder- 1 to 3g
Decoction-20-30 ml
SUBSTITUTES AND ADULTERANTS- Andrographis paniculata Nees is used as a substitute of Kiratatikta (Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham.) Andrographis echioides (Linn.) Nees is used as an adulterant or substitute for Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata Nees).
PROPAGATION AND CULTIVATION-It prefers sunny situations. The seeds are sown in May-June. The seedlings are transplanted at a distance of 60 x 30 cm. 2 or 3 irrigations are given during dry period Flowering occurs during August-November, followed by fruiting. The crop is harvested during February-March by uprooting the whole plant. The plants are dried in shade
(Reference-database on medicinal plants used in ayurveda)
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