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Jeerak seed(Cuminum cyminum Linn.)-introduction,properties and health benefits

Jeerak seed(Cuminum cyminum Linn.)-introduction,properties and health benefits

Views: 16 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

Latin name-Cuminum cyminum Linn.


Kula- shatapuspha

Gana- Shoolaprashaman,Shirovirechana (Charak), Pippalyadi (Susurut)

Sanskrit names-Jaran (helps in digestion), Deerghajeerak, Ajaji, Kanavha, Kanajeerna, Deepya, Sitajaji, Shuklajaji, Deerghak.

English name-cumin seed

Botanical Description- A small plant and high resembling fennel plant. Leaves small, flowers white in colour, fruit-cylindrical, white, grey in colour. The plant bears flowers and fruits at the end of winter season.

Habitat- All over India, but more in Rajasthan and Punjab.

Chemical composition-It contains volatile oil called as thymene, because of which it has peculiar taste and fragrance.

Properties- Guna- laghu, ruksha,

Rasa- katu Veerya- ushna, Vipak- katu.

DoshaKarma- Vatakaphashamak and pittavardhak by ushna property.

External uses- painful oedema- The paste is an antiinflammatory and an analgesic, hence it is applied in painful oedema.

skin diseases -Useful in skin diseases, in depigmentation. The paste is used pama (types of scabies). Decoction of cumin seeds is used for cleansing in skin disorders.

Haemorrhoids- Paste also helps haemorrhoids and pain due to scorpion sting. Chewing of cumin seeds is stomatitis and pharyngitis -useful in stomatitis and pharyngitis by alleviating the inflammation and soreness. This action is done by cumin oil.

Internal use- Digestive system- it is appetizer, digestant, carminative, analgesic, astringent and anthelmintic, it is used in disorders caused by distrubance in agni like anorexia, emesis, loss of appetite, indigestion, flatulence, pain in abdomen, sprue and haemorrhoids etc. roasted jeerak powder with honey is given for licking

Circulatory system- It is a stimulant and blood purifier so It is useful in cardiac and blood disorders.

Urinary system- Diuretic. Cumin seed powder along with sugar is given in renal colic, gonorrhoea and calculi. Juice made in water is also useful.

Reproductive system- It alleviates the inflammation of uterus. Jeerak is used for post-partum women as it is a galactagogue, improves lactation and gives strength.

Skin-It is used in most of the skin disorders.

Temperature- Febrifuge. In acute and chronic fever, particularly in vata dominant fever, it is very Satmikaran- It acts as a rasayan being a bitter tonic, useful.

Usefull part- Seed

Formulation- Jeerakadi churna, Jeerakadyarishta, Jeerakadi modaka, Jeerakadya taila.

'तीक्ष्णोष्णं कटुकं पाके रुच्यं पित्ताग्निवर्धनम् कटु श्लेष्मानिलहरं गन्धाढ्य जीरकद्वयम् ।। (सु.सू. ४६)




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