Botanical name- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Family - Combretaceae
Ayurvedic name- Haritaki
Hindi name -Harar, Harra, Harad
Trade name -Harar, Chebulic myrobalan
Parts used -Dried immature fruits,generally the fruit rind
Types of Haritaki –
bhavprakash has explained seven types of Haritaki.the seven types explained are-
I. Vijaya- it has a pedical that resembles alabu and used in all disesase,it available in Vindhya mountain.
II. Rohini-round in shape,useful in wound healing
III. Putana-having small fruit with big seed and has thin skin,used for external application,found sindha prdesh
IV. Amrita-huge,having thick fruit pulp,useful for panchakarma,available in champa prdesh
V. Abhaya-five crease in fruit pulp,useful in opthalalmic disorder,available in champa prdesh
VI. Jivanti-yellow coloured fruit,found in saurashtra region of gujrat
VII. Chetaki-three crease in fruit pulp, useful for purgation,available in himachal Pradesh.
Of these Seven types of haritaki,Vijaya haritaki is considered as best.
• The species is found mostly in mixed dry deciduous forests and is frequent in tropical and subtropical zones, mostly in hilly tracks.
• The plant prefers tropical environment, ascending in the sub-Himalayas zones up to an elevation of 1500 m.
Therapeutic uses-
• The harar fruit is antiseptic, diuretic, astringent, cardiotonic, and febrifuge in action.
• It is a safe and effective purgative, laxative, and alterative.
• It is an important ingredient of ‘triphala’ an Ayurvedic formulation used in the treatment of constipation, colic pain and kidney dysfunctions, eye diseases and sore throat.
• Unripe fruits are more purgative and the ripe ones are astringent.
Health Benefits Of Haritaki-
Tridoshic in nature
Prevents Diabetes
Improves Cognitive Functioning
Boosts Sexual Health And Stamina
improving gut health
Promotes Weight Loss
Heals Wounds And Infections
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