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CHINCHA(Tamarindus indica Linn.)-medicinal properties,uses and pharmacological activity of chincha

CHINCHA(Tamarindus indica Linn.)-medicinal properties,uses and pharmacological activity of chincha

Views: 55 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

BOTANICAL NAME-Tamarindus indica Linn.

FAMILY- Caesalpiniaceae

SYNONYMS- Chincha, Amlika, Chukrika, Chukra, Dantashatha, Chinchika, Amla, Amli, Tintidi.

ENGLISH NAME - Tamarind tree.

HINDI NAMES - Imli, Amli, Anbli, Nuli, Ampli.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION- A large evergreen tree, bark dark grey, longitudinally fissured. Leaves 4-12 cm long, leaflets 10-20 pairs, petiolules very short. Flowers yellow, in few flowered lax racemes at the ends of branchlets. Pods thin, brown, brittle (when ripe) epicarp and pulpy, brown mesocarp. Seeds 1-10, ovate-quadrate, about 10 x 8 mm, dark brown, shining. HABITAT- It is cultivated or found naturalized almost throughout the plains and sub Himalayan tracts of India, particularly in the South.


Root bark -The root bark is astringent,enhance constipation, emmenagogue and tonic. It is useful in diarrhoea, asthma, amenorrhoea, gingivitis and ulcers.

Leaves- The leaves are burning micturition, gastric disorders, dysentery, helminthiasis, jaundice, scabies, tumours, ringworm, smallpox, otalgia conjunctivitis.

Fruit- The fruits are digestive, carminative, antiseptic, ophthalmic and febrifuge. They are useful in bilious vomiting, scurvy, datura poisoning, alcoholic intoxication, scabies, pharyngitis, otalgia, stomatitis, constipation, haemorrhoids diseases.

Seed -The seeds are astringent, soothing, aphrodisiac and tonic for constipation. They are useful in gastralgia, diarrhoea, burning sensation, haematuria, giddiness, vertigo, hepatic inflammations, chronic ulcers, abscess, haemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, metropsis, diabetes and general debility.

AYURVEDIC PROPERTIES- RASA- Madhura(sweet), Amla( sour)

GUNA-Guru(Heavy), Ruksha(dry)

VEERYA-Ushna (hot potency)

VIPAK-Amla(undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion)

Doshaghnata -Vatashamaka(pacifies vata dosha)

Rogaghnata- Jwara, Vibandha, Daha, Arsha, Aruchi, Agnimandya, Saumyavirechaka, Shophaghna Masurika, Pratishyaya, Kasa, Shotha, Vedana,Karnashoola roga, Abhighata, Pradara, Soma roga.

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES- Antiinflammatory, antifungal, immunomodulatory, antioxidative, insecticidal.

PARTS USED- Root, leaf, fruit, seed, flower

DOSE- Decotion-50-100 ml

seed powder- 1-2 gm.

FORMULATIONS AND PREPARATIONS- Mahajwarankusha rasa, Amlika satva, Amlika satvadi churna, Shankharasa gudika, Shankha vati, Mahashankha vati.

PROPAGATION AND CULTIVATION It can grow on soils ranging from gravel to deep alluvial, thrives best in deep loam. It is essentially a tree of tropical climate, tolerating temperature upto 47°C, but is very sensitive to frost. It tolerates waterlogging, but also grows well with only 35cm annual rainfall if watered for establishment.

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