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BABBUL - Introduction, Therapeutic properties, Uses, Dose

BABBUL - Introduction, Therapeutic properties, Uses, Dose

Views: 15 | Updated On: | By Dr Sangeeta Kuri

Botanical name – Acacia arabica Linn.

Family - Leguminoseae

Hindi name - Babbul, keekar

English name - Acacia tree, Indian gum arebic tree.

Sanskrit names - Babbul, Yugalaksha, Kantalu, Tikshakantak, Goshrunga, Deerghakanta, Ajabhaksha, Sukshmapatra, Kashay, Yugmakanta, Dridaruha, Malaphala, Aabha.

Botanical Description - Babbul is a thorny tree 8-10 mtrs. high. Trunk grey. Branches straight hanging downwards. Tender branches are used for brushing teeth. Leaflets 10 to 20 pairs.

Flowers - yellow. Legumes - 7 to 10cms. long with 8-10 white seeds. Brownish white gum exudes from the trunk which is available in the market.

Varieties - varieties of Babbul.

Raja Nighantu – 2 types 1. Babbula

2. Jala babbula

Classical categorization -

Kaiyyadeva Nighantu – Oushadhi varga

Shodala Nighantu – Amradi varga

Bhava Prakasha – Vatadi varga

Habitat - All over India.

Chemical composition - Bark and legumes contain an astringent principle.

Therapeutics Properties -

Guna (qualities) - Guru( heavyness), ruksha(dryness)

Rasa(Taste) - Kashaya( Astringent)

Veerya- Sheeta (cold potency)

Vipak - Katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent)

Dosha - vatapittashamak.

Uses- External uses - Being a blood purifier, hemostatic, vasoconstricting and healing property, its powder is sprinkled on burnt injuries and bleeds. Decoction of bark is used for uttar basti (enema through vagina) in leucorrhoea. It is also used for tub bath in rectal prolapse and for gargles in oral disorders.

Internal uses – Useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, helminthiasis, bleeding disorders, cough and urinary disorders.

Gum is used in dysuria and loss of libido. In premature ejaculation, powder of raw legume + sugar is found useful.

Parts used - Stem bark , fruit, gum , seeds.

Dosage – Bark decoction - 30 to 80 ml

powder of legumes - 3 to 6 gms

paste- 4 gms

gum -3 to 6 gms.

Formulations - Babbularishta, Lavangadi vati

References – बब्लूल: कफनुद्र ग्राही कुश्ठक्रिमिविषापहः । (भा. प्र.)

बब्बूलस्य तु निर्यासो ग्राही पित्तानिलापहः । रक्तातिसारपित्तास्त्रमेहप्रदरनाशनः ।। भग्नसंधानक : शीतः शोणितस्स्रुतिवारण: । (आ.सं.)

बब्बूलस्य फलं रूक्षं विशदं स्तम्भनं गुरु कषायं मधुरं शीतं लेखन कफपित्तहृत् ।। (नि. र.)

(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants) for more information about health and ayurveda ,stay connected with us




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