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Ayurvedic view of Kriya Sharir(Physiology) of Hridya(Heart)

Ayurvedic view of Kriya Sharir(Physiology) of Hridya(Heart)

Views: 33 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

The functional aspects of Hṛdaya have been described in the following manner in the Ayurvedic texts-

(1) The word Hṛdaya (Hr-da-ya) itself indicates its functions - (a) circulating Rasa & Rakta throughout the body,

(b) providing nourishment to various Dhatus (tissues) through Rasa, and

(c) to perform sankocha (contraction) and vikasa (dilatation) to maintain continuous circulation (Satapatha Brahmaṇa).

(2) The vessels involved in the circulation are of 3 varieties-

(i) Dhamani (Artery)- DHMANAT DHAMANYAH(Cs.Su.30.) , meaning which pulsates A Dhamani will pump Rasa & Rakta forcibly- "DHMANAM RAKTASYA BALAT VIKṢHEPAŅAM" (Pr.Sa. Dhamani Khanda) or which fill up the vessels with Rasadi Dhatus DHMANAT PURAṆAT VA HYENA RASADINETYARṬHAH"- (Cakrapani -

(ii) Srotas (Capillary)- "SRAVANaT SROTAMSI" (Cs.Su.30.) meaning which secretes. A srotas is one that is permissible to flu ids "SRAVANAM SYANDANAM"- (Pra.Sa.Dha.Kha.) or which secretes Poshya Dhatus (nourishing materials) like Rasa etc "ŚRA VANĀDITI RASĀDEVA PÕSHYASYA ŚRAVANAT"- (Cakrapani- Cs.Su.30.).

(iii) Sira (vein) meaning which slowly propagates fluid "SARANAT SIRA" (Cs.Su.30.). A sira is one which will slowly pump the blood(Rakta) towards the heart "SARANAM MRIDUGATYA HRIDAYABHIMUKHAM CALANAM" (Pra.Sa.Dha.Kha.) or which spreads Rasa, Rakta etc. to various parts of the body "SARANAT DEHANTARA GAMANAT"- (Cakrapani- Cs.Su.30.).

(3) Hridaya is the first organ to start its function in uterus and last to stop only at death (Ss.Sa.10.).

(4) It never takes rest by stopping its action, but takes rest by slowing down rate and force (Ss.Sa.4.).

(5) Heart along with umbilicus is mentioned as landmark to demarcate the selective regions of some of the diseases (A.H.Su.1.).

(6) It is connected to the respiratory and digestive systems from which it gets its supplies of Prana and Rasa respectively and transports the same to the rest of the body through blood vessels. The whole body and its organs are dependent on the heart. Heart is the pivot on which the whole body rests (Ss.Sa.9.).

(7) The heart is compared to Bhastra, a blowing bag or a bel lows and its main function is vidhamana blowing or pumping, which denotes rhythmic contraction, and expansion i.e., "TAT SANKOCAMCA VIKASAM CA" (Na. Vi.)29. This continues incessantly till death. Because of this property of automatic rhythmic contraction, it is considered to be the special seat of soul or life factor (Ss.Sa.9.).

(8) Hṛdaya governs all the Śarīra bhavas like: Mana, Atmā and their functions, functions of various organs etc (Cs.Su.30.).

(9) It transports nutrition, vital energy and oxygen to the distant parts of the body as it is the site of Rasavaha, Ojovaha and Praṇa vaha srotases. The conscious state of the body, the sensory and motor functions, and the voluntary and the involuntary activities of the organs of the body are all dependent of the proper functioning of the heart and predominance of the qualities of satva and tamas in the Rasa-dhatu an indication of biochemical changes of opposite nature in the blood (Ss.Sa.).

(10) Heart is nothing but an inert mass of flesh, but it being the seat of three doshas and three gunas related to body and mind derives its driving force from these basic organizations of life. Vata in the form of Vyana Vata imports moving force, Pitta in the form of Sadhaka Pitta protects it from inertia and fatigue and gives power.

देहिनं हृदयं देहे सुखदुःखप्रकाशकम्। तत् संकोचं विकासं च स्वतः कुर्यात् पुनः पुनः ।। संकोचने बहिर्याति वायुरन्तर्विकासतः । ततोनाड्यश्चलन्त्यस्रग्धरायाः स्फुरणं ततः ।। (नाडी विज्ञानम्)

षडङ्गमङ्गं विज्ञानमिन्द्रियाण्यर्थपञ्चकम् आत्मा च सगुणश्चेतश्चिन्त्यं च हृदि संश्रितम् ॥ (च.सू.30/4).

reference-Ayurvedic managment for heart disease-Dr. J.L.N. Shastri & Dr. K. Nisteswar

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