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Asthma- Introduction, ayurvedic review, causes, symptoms & Management of Bronchial Asthma

Asthma- Introduction, ayurvedic review, causes, symptoms & Management of Bronchial Asthma

Views: 80 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

Asthma, also called bronchial asthma is a lung disease. It is the common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm.

An Asthma attack is characterized by swelling in the lining of airways and tightness of the muscles around them. The mucus then fills the airways, hence reducing the amount of air that can pass through. It’s a chronic (ongoing) condition which means it doesn’t go away and needs ongoing medical management. Asthma can be life-threatening if don’t get treatment.

Nowadays Asthma problem is very common because of an unhealthy environment. Asthma affects the airways. It is interrupt breathing, asthma patients not able to take a proper breath and if their breathing level is down in the body then they need an instant cure for it. Asthma patients need to take care of all types of environments that are beneficial for them or not good for them. Ayurvedic treatment is best for asthma patients because this treatment is pure, natural, and safe for everyone.

Ayurvedic review of Asthma- In Ayurveda, asthma is known as svasa roga. Svasa means breathing in and out, and roga means disease. According Charak Samhita, there are five types of asthma- maha svasa, urdhva svasa, chinna svasa, tamaka svasa and ksudra svasa.

Among these five types first three are not curable. Tamak-shwas is controllable and is difficult to cure. The last one is curable.

In the the Charak Samhita, chapter 17,there is a detailed description of svasa and its five varieties. Included is an elaborate explanation of the etiological factors, pathogenesis, prodromal symptoms, and clinical manifestations as well as treatment of svasa.

According to the Charaka Samhita, There are several deadly diseases which can kill a patient. But none of these is as deadly as asthma and hiccup that can kill a patient instantaneously .

The Charak Samhita goes on to describe the origin of svasa,Both of these diseases originate at the site of Pitta dosha and are caused by the simultaneous aggravation of Kapha and vayu. They adversely affect the cardiac region and all the tissue elements.

Kledaka Kapha accumulates and moves to the lungs. Kapha is cold, heavy, slimy and unctuous in nature and Vata has dry, cold rough and mobile qualities.

In the lungs, the two intermix and the mucous in the lungs becomes sticky and thick, adhering to the walls of the bronchi, causing narrowing of the bronchial tubes, leading to breathlessness or an asthmatic attack. If vata predominantly associated with Kapha obstructs the channels of circulation, and circulates all over the body, then being obstructed (in the circulatory system), this aggravated vayu causes svasa.

The text describes retrograde vata, moving in reverse pervades the channels of vital breath, afflicts the neck and head and stimulates phlegm to cause rhinitis.

Etiological Causes of Asthma- The Charak Samhita describes etiological factors similar to those described from a modern perspective. While the environmental factors such as dust, smoke, the wind, cold weather are listed, most of the etiological factors described are due to lifestyle and dietary habits,heavy exercise, excessive walk, vitiated metabolism, dryness in the body, improper food, intake of unhealthy foods, intake of food in excessive or deficient quantities, dense foods, certain types of meat, unboiled milk and curds and Kapha aggravating foods in general.

According to the Charak Samhita, All diseases are due to prajnaparadha (failure of the intellect).The deficient and unwholesome conjunction of the senses with their objects (Asatmyendriyartha) also has its influence on prajnaparadha.

Ayurvedic supplements give benefits to asthma patients and build them to fight this disease. Nowadays effective treatment is more important as compared to speedy treatment and Ayurvedic treatment takes time but it gives effective results and this is important to every patient.

Other leading causes of Asthma include-

• Environmental pollutants

• Allergens

• Viral infections

• Overweight

• Stressed lifestyle

some common triggers include- • Air pollution, Mold, Dust mites

• Exercise

• Pets

• Tobacco smoke

• Strong chemicals or smells

• Certain occupational exposures

Symptoms of Asthma- • Chest tightness, pain or pressure.

• Coughing (especially at night).

• Wheezing sound

• Fatigue

• Shortness of breath

Asthma attack- When breathe normally, muscles around airways are relaxed, letting air move easily and quietly. During an asthma attack, three things can happen-

Bronchospasm- The muscles around the airways constrict (tighten). When they tighten, it makes your airways narrow. Air cannot flow freely through constricted airways. • Mucus production: During the attack, your body creates more mucus. This thick mucus clogs airways.

• Inflammation- The lining of your airways becomes swollen. Swollen airways don’t let as much air in or out of your lungs.

Types of asthma- asthma types based on the cause and the severity of symptoms.

1. Intermittent, 2. Persistent

Other type of Asthma- there are these types of asthma-

• Exercise-induced asthma- This type is triggered by exercise and is also called exercise-induced bronchospasm.

• Asthma- ACOS (COPD overlap syndrome)- This type happens when both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Both diseases make it difficult to breathe.

• Occupational asthma- This type of asthma happens primarily to people who work around irritating substances.

Diagnosis of Asthma-

stethoscope examination, Medical history, Chest X-Ray, spirometry, blood test , skin test.

Asthma Treatment & Management-Get Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma problems, it is very effective and successful. The ayurvedic treatment gives positive results and it makes the internal system strong which helps to fight asthma diseases. Asthma patients need effective and successful treatment and Asthma Treatment in Ayurveda is the best option for them.

1. Diagnosis of Asthma

2. Focus on removing the root cause of the airway obstruction and strengthening the airway muscles(works on three dosha-vata,pitta and kapha).

3. Asthma medicines, diet and lifestyle changes constitute the plan of treatment for this disease.

4. Drinking warm water will help to relieve the symptoms.

According to modern science- • Bronchodilators

• Anti-inflammatory medicines

• Biologic therapies for asthma

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