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Ankle Sprain Treatment| Physiotherapy exercise

Ankle Sprain Treatment| Physiotherapy exercise

Views: 11 | Updated On: | By Dr Ashish Jangir

Ankle Sprain Treatment

Rice Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling, or discomfort.

Ice Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling, or discomfort.

Compression To help stop swelling, compress the ankle with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops


Types of exercises for a sprained ankle

range of motion stretching strengthening balance and control

Ankle range of motion exercises

These exercises can help to improve or maintain your range of motion and flexibility in your ankle.

You can do these exercises 5 times a day.

1. Ankle alphabet

Take a seat on a sofa or a cozy chair. Stretch your leg out and use your big toe to make the alphabet's letters in the air. If there is no discomfort, you can do this two or three times. Your ankle will be able to move in all directions thanks to this easy workout.

2. Knee motion

Put your foot flat on the ground and sit on a chair. For two to three minutes, carefully rock your knee from side to side while keeping your foot on the ground. The ligaments around your ankle are stretched and relaxed as a result.

3. Towel and tissue scrunches

Sit in a wooden chair with a little towel on the floor in front of you. Take off your shoes and socks and carefully scrunch up the towel with your toes while counting to five. Release the towel after which repeat. Repeat this 8 to 10 times, or less if it hurts. We can do it with tissue also.

5. Standing calf stretch Put your hands on the countertop or wall in front of you while you stand there for support. Put your healthy foot in front and your affected ankle back approximately a step. Slowly bend the knee of your healthy leg while keeping your back heel flat on the floor until you feel a little stretch in the calf on your damaged side. Three times, while holding for 30 seconds each.

6. Heel raise

Stand with your hands out in front of you, leaning for support on a chair back, countertop, or wall. Step apart with your feet and slowly raise and lower yourself onto your toes. Start with roughly 10 of them and increase the number to 20 or more. Keep in mind that you just want a little stretch and no discomfort. You can start performing this solely with the toes on your damaged side as they get easier.

7. One-leg balance

Lift your healthy leg behind you with your hands on a wall, counter, or chair back so that your weight is supported by the leg with the damaged ankle. Hold this for 20 to 30 seconds if you can. As you gain strength, try acting alone using one or two fingers for support. Do this without clinging to anything when you're stronger.





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