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Amenorrhea: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic Aspect of Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic Aspect of

Views: 15 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

Several advantages of the modern way of life include making life much simpler and more comfortable. Life is relatively simple thanks to new innovations in every field, and physical activity is nil. Fast food consumption and a lack of exercise cause physical, emotional, and hormonal issues. Hormonal abnormalities are more likely to affect 60–70% of people. Examples of hormonal imbalances include amenorrhea, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Every normal female menstruates every 23 to 35 days and when a childbearing woman fails to menstruate this condition is called amenorrhea. The Hypothalamus part of the brain regulates the menstrual cycle. Hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland and the pituitary gland secretes luteinizing hormones and follicle-stimulating hormones. Both hormones regulate the female reproductive system. FSH and LH have a great hold on estrogen and progesterone and control cyclic changes. in the uterus lining. All this leads to the menstrual cycle.

A woman who is menstruation normally has a normal cervix and vagina, as well as healthy hormone-secreting glands.

Ayurvedic Aspect of Amenorrhea-

Ayurveda's term for amenorrhea is Anartava. The Sanskrit word for amenorrhea in the Charak Samhita is NASHA- RAKTA, where Nasha is the Sanskrit word for loss or missing and Rakta is the Sanskrit word for blood. According to Charak, aggravated Vayu is responsible for diseases that affect women. The vishamta of dosha is caused by aggravated vayu. Vata is the dosha that causes amenorrhea, however, other doshas can also be responsible. Although both vata and pitta may contribute to amenorrhea, vata is the more frequent cause of the condition.

The most typical amenorrhea symptoms include dry skin, weight loss, dry hair, constipation, and anxiety. The body's vata accumulated and migrated in purishvaha srota. This is followed by an overflow into rasa and rakta-vaha srota, a deep relocation into rasa dhatu, and a transition into medas and shukar dhatu. The shifting of rasa dhatu is what causes the body to be dry and lack a menstrual period. The body loses weight as a result of the medas dhatu's relocation. The human body's ovulation process is inhibited by shukra dhatu. Anxiety is the product of a vata-induced, distracted mind. The relocation of Apana Vayu in purishvaha srota causes constipation.

Types of Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is classified into two types:-

1. Primary amenorrhea-Primary amenorrhea is the term used to describe a condition where a woman does not begin to menstruate at the normal age of 15 or 16. The most frequent cause of primary amenorrhea is late puberty.

2. Secondary amenorrhea-Women experience menstruation periods, but stop menstruating for two and three months.

The following reasons cause secondary amenorrhea:-

• Pregnancy, Emotional Stress, Mental Stress, Weight Loss, Excessive Exercise, Menopause, Birth Control Measures (Birth Control Pills)

•Ovarian Tumors, Tumors of the Pituitary Gland, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Menopause before the Age Of 40, Hysterectomy, Drug-Induced (Chemotherapy) Overactive Thyroid Gland, Brain Tumors.

Symptoms of Amenorrhea

In addition to not having a period, amenorrhea also causes the additional symptoms listed below:- • Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Acne, Voice Changes.

• Vaginal Dryness, Breast Size Changes, Hair Growth in A Male Pattern.

• Discharge from the Breast, Excess Body and Facial Hairs, Altered Sex Drives.

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