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Ajamoda- Introduction, Therapeutics property, Uses, Dose

Ajamoda-  Introduction, Therapeutics property, Uses, Dose

Views: 6 | Updated On: | By Dr Sangeeta Kuri

Botanical name-Carum roxburghianum Linn.

Family - Umbellifereae

Hindi name – Ajamoda

English name – Celery, Ajowan

Sanskrit names - Ajmoda (it smells like a goat or goats like it),Kharashva, Karvi, Markati, Shikhimoda, Moodadhya, Ugragandhika, Phalmukhya, Yavani.

Botanical Description- The herb is small, almost 1/3 to 1 mtr. high. Leaves are pinnate to bipinnate. Flowers are small, round, 5-20 in cluster. Seeds-greyish in colour. There are small spots on seeds. It blossoms and gives fruits from rainy season to summer.

Habitat- All over India but more in Maharashtra.

Chemical composition- It contains a volatile oil.

Therapeutics Properties –

Guna(qualities)- laghu(lightness), ruksha(dryness), tikshna (sharp)

Rasa- katu(pungent), tikta(bitter)

Veerya- ushna(hot)

Vipak- katu

Dosha - Ajmoda spacifies kapha and vata dosha due to tikshna and ushna properties. It increases pitta dosha. Though useful in kapha-vata disorders, it cannot be used when pitta dosha is equally vitiated.

Uses –

External uses-

Analgesic. It is applied locally in bodyache. The juice of leaves or oil is used in arthritis.

Internal uses-

Digestive system-

Carminative, appetizer, analgesic and anthelmintic. It is used in emesis, hiccoughs, flatulence, stomachache and helminthiasis.

indigestion and loss of appetite - ajamoda is one of the ingredients of the popular formulation ‘ Hingvastaka churana ’( A.H. 14/35)

Diarrhoea and dysentery-

1. Milk mixed with ghee, honey and the powder of sugar, ajamodā, aralu and madhuka should be taken in diarrhoea associated with pain. (SS.U.40/79).

Circulatory system-

It acts as cardiac stimulant in cardiac disorders.

Respiratory system -

Due to its kaphaghna property, it is used in cough (bronchitis), asthma hiccough in the form of chura (powder) and also in the form of smoke (dhoomapan). Its smoke gives quick relief in cough, hiccough and asthma.

Nervous system-

The decoction of roots nourishes brain and gives strength to nerves. But it is contraindicated in epilepsy.

Urinary system -

It is used when there is pain in urinary bladder, renal calculi and urinary obstruction. It acts as a diuretic.

Reproductive system-

It is a uterine stimulant as well as an aphrodisiac. Therefore it is used in amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and infertility. Though friendly to females, it should not be given in pregnancy.

Impurity of breast-milk caused by vata - The child should be given to lick ghee mixed or cooked with the powder of rāsnā, ajamodā, sarala and devadāru along with sugarcandy. (AH.U.2/12)

Parts used- Seeds.

Dosage - 3-5 gm.( powder).

Formulations- Ajmodadi churna, Ajmodadi Vatak, Agnitundi, Krimikuthar, Kankayanadi gutika, Chitrakadi gutika, Narayan churna, Mahasudarshan churna,Vaishvanar churna, Hingvashtadi Churna, Phalaghrita.

References -

अजमोदा कस्तीक्ष्णा दीपनी कफवातनुत् । उष्णा विदाहिनी ह्या वृष्या बलकरी लघुः ॥ नेत्रामयक फच्छर्दिहिक्का वस्तिरुजो हरेत् । (भा.प्र.)

अजमोदा तु शूलघ्नी तिक्तोष्णा कफवातजित्। हिक्काध्मानारुचिर्हन्ति कृमिजिद्वहिनदीपनी ।। (ध.नि.)

(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants)

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