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According to Ayurveda food combinations that are unhealthy

According to Ayurveda food combinations that are unhealthy

Views: 11 | Updated On: | By Dr. Rachana Jangir

According to Ayurveda, our overall health is determined by what we eat. Ayurveda is a science in -a life that signifies health as a balance of doshas, Agni (eliminating toxins), dhatus (tissues), and a pleased mind. Food is the prime ingredient to keep all these health indicators balanced.

The digestion process in Ayurveda comprises assimilation, absorption, and elimination. These all revolve around Agni which transforms food into energy, provides nourishment to the dhatus, and works as a support system for the body. If Agni gets disturbed, it starts imbalancing energies and leads to diseases.

There are seven dhatus (tissues) including Rakta (blood), Rasa (plasma), Meda (fat), Mamsa (muscle), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra (reproductive fluid).

The food we eat first converts into rasa and in descending order shukra. Everything goes right but it turns wrong when viruddha anna (incompatible food) is consumed. The wrong diet interrupts our metabolism and subsequent tissues do not get enough nourishment.

Mixing different types of food like meat with fruits and cheese with yogurt is a common and popular practice. There are several nutritionists and Ayurvedics who claim that there are different food combinations that may create an obstruction in digestive channels and prevent the body from getting essential nutrients. Avoiding certain food combinations helps to improve our health, healing, digestion, and a deeper level of nourishment thus benefiting our overall health.

Bad food combinations or viruddha ahara (incompatible food) may lead to disturbance of Agni, poor digestion, ama accumulation, vitiation of dhatus, and channel obstruction. This does not allow you to gain enough nourishment. Eat right to live healthy.

Avoid food combinations, including:-

Ayurveda suggests a long list of wrong food combinations. The list can guide you toward the wrong choices of food. By abandoning these bad combinations, you can avoid fermentation, indigestion, and putrefaction.

1. Yogurt is to be avoided with cheese, hot drinks, sour fruits, milk, mangoes, nightshades, beans, eggs, and fish. Yogurt has a lot of bacteria that act on the sugar present in fruits. This may lead to colds and allergies. To solve this, use unflavoured yogurt at room temperature and mix honey and raisins instead of fresh fruit.

2. Milk is not compatible with sour fruits, melons, and bananas. It should not be consumed with salty items such as paratha/samosa/khichadi. Don’t boil it with tea.

3. Grains should not be consumed with Fruits and Tapioca.

4. Beans are the wrong combination with eggs, fish, milk, fruits, yogurt, and meat.

5. proteins and Fat are mismatched foods as they need different digestive juices.

6. Tomato, potatoes, etc are not compatible with fruits like cucumber, melon, and dairy products. Milk, yogurt, tomatoes, and cucumber are incompatible with lemons.

7. Drinking water or juice with meals is among the most toxic food combinations. Water dilutes your stomach acids and reduces their effectiveness in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Drink water before the meal as it will make you feel fuller for a longer period of time. This will prevent you from overeating or diluting stomach enzymes.

8. Soda and Pizza- This is because pizza is high in fat and that fat is saturated in nature. Diets that are high in saturated fat can put a greater risk of heart disease.

9. White bread and jam-It is a bad food combination because it has less protein and fat, and is extremely high in simple carbs.

10. Cereals with milk and orange juice- Milk consists of casein and orange juice contains acid. They curdle the dairy and even destroy the enzyme that is present in the starchy cereal. It is advised that you should take the fruit juice at least an hour before or after consuming cereals.

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