Botanical name – Aconitum heterophyllum Linn.
Family - Ranunculaceae
Hindi name - Atis
English name –Indian atees
Sanskrit names - Ativisha , Shuklakanda, Shishubhaishajya (useful in
paediatric diseases), Shrungi, Virupa, Ghunavallabha, Shwetvacha,
Bhangura,Visha, Ghunapriya , pittavallabha.
Botanical Description - Ativisha is a small plant with height of 1-1.5 mtrs
with straight bark and flat stems, leaves are 5 to 10 cm in length, egg or heart
shaped. Lower leaves are big and are divided into five parts whereas upper
leaves are small.
Flowers are blue or green, with inner most layer largest and like a hood.
The fruit has two sections, one from the previous year, and one from the
current year. Transverse section is white with 4-5 black spots.
Varieties - Madanvinod has described four varities .
1) white 2) yellow 3) red 4) black.
Raj Nighantu has described only three varities
1)white 2) red 3)black.
In actual practice, only white variety is available.
Habitat - Found in Himalayas at the height of 2000 to 6000 meters. Also
found in Sindh-Kumaon mountain ranges.
Therapeutics Properties -
Guna (qualities) – laghu(lightness), Rooksha(dryness)
Rasa(Taste)- Katu(pungent), tikta(bitter)
Veerya- Ushna(hot potency)
Vipak - katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent)
Dosha - Tridoshahara, alleviates kapha and pitta by bitterness.
Vata is alleviated by ushna veerya.
Internal uses -
Digestive system - It has appetizing, digestive, astringent. antihaemorrhoidal and anthelmintic properties due to its bitter, pungent and ushna properties. Useful in diarrhoea and dysentery, dyspepsia,amadosha.
Circulatory system - It is a blood purifier, haemostatic and antiinflammatory drug because it alleviates pitta.
Respiratory system - Reduces phlegm and clears airways. Useful in cold and cough.
Reproductive system - Purifies milk secretion (lactation) because of its katu
property. Aphrodisiac due to ushna property.
Temperature - Febrifuge, useful as a prophylactic in intermittent fever.
Dosha - Diseases induced by all three doshas, but mainly useful in kapha and pitta diseases.
Specific uses - No medicine is better than A. heterophyllum for paediatric
diseases (hence the name "Shishubhaishajya shishu = child and
bhaishajya = medicine).
Parts used - Tuber.
Dosage - 0.5- 2.5 gms, it should be used in the powder form only along with
trikatu (ginger, black pepper and long pepper) and Achorus calamus.
Formulations - Balasanjeevani churna, Balachaturbhadra, Ativishadi churna.
Side effects - A heterophyllum in a higher dose of 4-5 gms causes dryness of mouth and tremors etc., vata symptoms, hence it is called as ativisha. It is a poison (visha) if given in higher dose (ati),hence the name ativisha.
Purification - Tubers are heated with cowdung and dried in sun, thus they are purified.
Adulteration - Rootstalks of Asparagus racemosus. (These are not bitter and
do not have spots inside)
References -
विषा त्वतिविषा विश्वा शृंगो प्रतिविषारुणा ।
शुक्लकन्दा चोपविषा भंगुरा घुणवल्लभा ।।
विषा सोष्णा कटुस्तिक्ता दीपनी पाचनी हरेत् ।
कफपित्तातिसारामविषकासवमिक्रिमीन ।। (भा.प्र.)
अतिविषा दीपनीयपाचनीयसंग्राहक सर्वदोषहराणाम् श्रेष्ठा । (च.सू. 25)
विषात्रय त्रिदोषघ्नं पाचनं ग्राहि तिक्तकम् ।
बालानां सर्वदा पथ्यं वमिशोथविमर्दनम् ।। (शो.)
घुणाप्रियाऽतिसारघ्नी बालानां रोगनाशिनी । (ध.नि.)
(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants)for more information are about health and ayurveda,stay connected with us