Botanical name – Withania somnifera Linn.
Family - Solanaceae
Hindi name – Asgandha,
English name – Winter cherry
Sanskrit names – Balada, Gandapatri, Hayagandha,
Ashwagandha,Vajinama,Vajini, Balya, Hayahya,Vrusha.
Botanical Description - Ashwagandha plant is a hrub, height - 1-2 mtrs.
Branches- distributed in all directions and rounded.
Leaves- alternate, 5-10 cms long, rounded and hairy. Flowers inflorescence in
bunch, umbrella erupting from the base of the leaves. Sessile flowers,
greenish or lurid yellow cyme.
Fruits -small, round, juicy, capsulated, bright red like gunja, thats why it is
known as dhorgunja.
Seeds- small, slimy and flat.
Roots- 1/3 to 1/2 mtr. long and as thick as a finger, grey from outside and
white from inside .Tender wet roots smell like horse so it is called
ashwagandha.(after taking ashwagandha, it makes the person energetic like
horse i.e. physically and sexually).
Flowering season is sharad ritu (i.e. approximately October November) and
then the plant fruits.
Varieties - There are two varieties -
1) Cultivated 2) Wild.
The wild variety is sedative, hallucinative, diuretic and used
The Cultivated variety is used internally.
Habitat - All over India
Chemical composition - In the roots of wild variety there is somniferin
which is a hallucinogen, Cultivated variety has sugar (sucrose), gum,
resin and pigment dyes.
Therapeutic Properties
Guna (qualities) – laghu(lightness), snigdha
Rasa(Taste)- Mahur(sweet),kashaya(astringent),
Veerya- Ushna(hot)
Vipak - Madhur(taste conversion after digestion sweet)
Dosha - Kapha vata shamak. It is used in the diseases induced by kapha
and vata.
Uses -
External uses - It reduces oedema and pain, that is why leaves or root
paste is applied on enlarged cervical glands or swelling of other glands. In
vata diseases and weakness, oil massage is done.
The juice of ashwagandha leaves is used as eardrops in ear discharge.
Internal uses -
Nervous system - ashwagandha is a sedative and nervine tonic, it helps in
atonic nerves, fainting, giddiness and insomnia.
Digestive system - The bark powder is appetizer, carminative and
anthelmintic and hence is used in abdominal pain, constipation and worms.
Circulatory system - It has an effect on the heart, purifies the blood and
reduces oedema. So it is used for the weakness of heart, blood disorders and
oedema. Its decoction is used in rheumatoid arthritis.
Respiratory system - It is an expectorant and has antiasthmatic property,due
to which it is useful in cough .
Ashwagandha ash along with ghee and honey is effective in asthma.
Decoction of bark should be given in low dose for cough and asthma. It is also
used as a tonic in the above conditions .
Aswagandha for allergic rhinitis - equal amount of turmeric- ginger and winter cherry fine
powders are taken mixed well. 3 gm of this mix.powders is consumed early in the morning.
Reproductive system - Ashwagandha is well known for its aphrodisiac
property. It is used in semen disorders and leucorrhoea caused due to
endometritis. A mixture of 5 gms of ashwagandha powder + 10 gms of ghee +
250 ml milk + sugar is a good tonic, nutritious and also aphrodisiac. It
completely cures puerperal backache.
Urinary system - It is a diuretic and so used in oliguria or anurea. It is used to
strengthen meda dhatu.
Skin - It is used in vitiligo and other skin deseases, blisters heal when black
ashes of the roots are applied on them.
Useful parts - Roots, salts, ashes, leaves (roots are boiled in milk).
Dose – Root Powder 3 to 5 gms
ashes 2 to 3 gms
Formulations - Ashwagandhadi churna, Ashwagandha rasayana.
Ashwagandhaghrut, Ashwagandharishta, Askandpak,
Maharasanadi, Sukumarghrut, Saubhagyasunthipak.
(Ashwagandha is aphrodisiac) .
References –
अश्वगन्धानिलश्लेष्मश्वित्रशोथक्षयापहा ।
बल्या रसायनी तिक्ता कषायोष्णातिशुक्ला ।।(भा.प्र.)
पीताश्वगंधा पयसार्धमासं घृतेन तैलेन सुखाम्बुना वा ।
कुशस्य पुष्टि वपुषो विधत्ते बालस्य शस्यस्य यथाम्बुवृष्टिः ।। (च.द.)
(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal
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