Botanical name – Ficus religiosa Linn.
Family - Moraceae
Hindi name - Peepal
English name –Sacred fig
Sanskrit names - Pippal, Chaldal, Bodhidru, Pavitraka, Yadnik ,
Shreevriksha, Mahadrum, Devatma, Krishnavas,
Swadubeejaka , Mangalya, Bodhi vruksha.
Botanical Description - Ficus riligiosa is a very large and tall tree , growing
to a height of 20 to 25 meters. In old trees the bark cracks.
Leaves- soft shiny,
heart shaped with 5-7 veins and pointed tip. Because of this arrangement with
a slight wind the leaves shake. (It is said that when the leaves of pipal are
still, it is assumed there is no wind).
Fruits small round green when raw and red when ripe. Fruits appear in
summer and ripe in monsoon. Old pipal tree produces a sealing wax which is
known as krimij A very small quantity of secretions falls on the ground from
pipal tree.
Habitat - All over India and Sri lanka.
Chemical composition - Bark contains tannin, rubber and wax.
Therapeutics Properties -
Guna (qualities) – Guru(Heaviness), ruksha(dryness)
Rasa(Taste)- kashaya(astringent), Madhura (Sweet)
Veerya- sheeta(cold)
Vipak - katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent)
Dosha - kaphapittashamak
Uses -
External uses - paste of aerial roots is applied locally. The powder of bark is
sprinkled on the wounds. Its latex is useful in reducing pain and swelling and
also acts as haemostatic.
Internal uses – Ficus riligiosa bark is used in vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery.
Ripe fruits of pipal are used in stomachache and constipation. In diabetes fruits
and bark are used.
Decoction of the bark + honey and fruits are useful in gout, blood disorders
and bleeding disorders Powdered dry fruits are given for conception.
Fruits, roots, bark and aerial roots processed in milk+ sugar + honey is
prescribed as an aphrodisiac. (Infertile couples are advised to worship pipal
The dried powder of the fruits pr the paste of the bark is given with honey or s ugar candy to treat severe cough.
Bark, fruits and leaves are used for medicinal purpose.
Part used - Bark, Tender leaf, Latex and Fruit.
Dosage - Juice -12 to 24 ml
decoction - 60 to 100 ml
powder - 1 to 3 gms.
References -
पिप्लो दुर्जरः शीतः पित्तश्लेष्मव्रणास्त्रजित् ।
गुरुस्तुवरको रूक्षो वर्ण्यो योनिविशोधन: ।।' (भा. प्र. )
पिप्पल: सुमधुरस्तु कषायः शीतलश्च कफपित्तविनाशी
रक्तदाहशमन : स हि सद्यो योनिदोषहरण: किल पक्व : ।।(रा.नि.)
बोधिद्रुमकषायन्तु पिबेत्तं मधुना सह ।
वातरक्तं जयत्याशु त्रिदोषमपि दारुणम् ।।' (च.चि. २९)
अश्वत्वफलमूलत्वक् शुङ्गसिद्ध पयो नरः
पीत्वा सशर्कराक्षौद्रं कुलिङ्ग इव हृष्यति ।। (सु. चि. ११)
(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants)
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