Botanical name – Terminalia arjuna Linn.
Family - Combretaceae
Hindi name - Arjun
English name – Arjuna
Sanskrit names –Arjuna , Dhawal (pale white bark), Kakubha (spreading
branches), Indradu (large tree), Viravriksha, Nadisarja (commonly found
near rivers and is similar to sarja (Sal tree - Shorea robusta (Linn)]. All the
names of Arjuna' mentioned in 'Bhagwadgeetaʼ are used as synonyms of
arjuna plant. Gaura, Kashaya, Shakataksha, Dhurandar, Partha, Dhananjay.
Botanical Description - Arjuna is a large tree . height - 20 to 26 mtrs.
Trunk straight pale white and smooth externally and tender, thick and reddish
Internally. Leaves- sub opposite. similar to guava leaves, 10-15 pairs of
leaflets at the end. Leaflets tongue shaped, 10-15 cm in length and 8-10 cm
in breadth. There are small nodes at the top of the petioles immediately
below the leaves. Flowers occur all round white or yellow stalk. Fruit-
similar to kamarah- fruit (Avenhoa cavambola Linn.). Flowering stage is in
summer whereas fruiting stage is in winter. The bark is shed like snake skin
once in an year.
Habitat - In ʻTeraiʼ region at the foot of Himalaya, Bengal, Bihar, Madhya
Pradesh and Brahma Pradesh.
Chemical composition - The bark contains calcium carbonate 34%, other
calcium salts 9% and tannin 16% Besides, it also contains aluminium,
magnesium, organic acid, colouring matter and sugar.
Therapeutics Properties -
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness) ,ruksha(dryness)
Rasa(Taste) - katu
Veerya- Sheeta (Cold potency)
Vipak - Katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent)
Dosha - Kaphpittanashak.
Kaphanashak by kashaya, ruksha, laghu properties and pittanashak by
Sheeta property.
External uses - It helps in wound healing and joining by astringent property. It
is haemostatic. The bark paste is locally applied on wounds,
ulcer and specially used in promoting the union of fractures.
Internal uses –
Digestive system - It has astringent property, reduces motility. Being
haemostatic it controls bleeding in dysentery and haemorrhoids.
Circulatory system - Arjuna is a cardiac tonic. It gives strength to the cardiac muscles and improves cardiac function and rhythm. It reduces cardiac rate. It increases the peripheral resistance by constricting capillaries which leads to rise in blood pressure . Arjuna enhances blood quality and also acts a haemostatic By virtue of its capillary constricting activity, it prevents accumulation of fluid and thereby reduces oedema. The decoction of bark in milk is effective in this condition. It helps in cardiomegaly. Healing processes in ulcerated, contused wounds and fractures are greatly enhanced by systemic administration of arjuna.
Respiratory system - Its astringent property is useful in purulent and tuberculous cough and in haemoptysis. It reduces heartburn and cough. Powdered arjuna bark soaked in leaf juice of Adhatoda vasika mixed with honey, sugar- candy and cow's ghee reduces tuberculous cough.
Urinary system - Its astringent property it is effective in diabetes and gonorrhoea, by reducing urinary discharges and relieving burning and pain during micturation.
Reproductive system - It prevents early ejaculation of semen. The decoction of arjuna bark and white sandalwood is effective in spermatorrhoea. Arjuna is also useful in menorrhagia and leucorrhoea.
Skin - It is used in skin diseases with pruritus. Externally its paste is applied over eyelids in conjunctivitis.
Parts used - Leaves and root bark.
Dosage – Decoction in milk - 6 to 12 ml
juice - 12 to 14 ml
powder 1 to 3 mg
decoction in water - 60 to 100 ml.
Processing - Use of its bark as a decoction with milk (ksheerapak) is more effective. Besides, it can be used in the form of juice, decoction in water, powder or as a 'ghrita'. Use of ksheerapak has a dual advantage of reducing dryness inducing property of arjuna and also kapha aggravating property of milk.
Formulations - Kakubhadi churna, Parthadyarishta (Arjunarishta), Arjunaghrita, Pushyanuga churna, Ashwagandharishta, Arvindasava, Devadarvyarishta.
Bark of Arjuna - It is effective on heart, blood vessels and rakta dhatu. It provides nourishment the heart. It increases relaxation period of the heart and acts as a cardiac tonic. It increases the force of contraction of heart and regulates its rythm. It is a cardiac stimulant.
Antidote Property - Its acts as cardiac tonic in vatsanabh (Aconitum ferox Linn) poisoning.
References –
ककुभोऽर्जुननामाख्यो नदीसर्जश्च कीर्त्तितः ।
इन्द्रद्रुर्वीरवृक्षश्च वीरश्च धवलः स्मृत्तः ॥
ककुभः शीतलो हृद्य: क्षतक्षयविषास्त्रजित् ।
मेदोमेहव्रणान् हन्ति तुवरः कफपित्तहृत् ।। (भा.प्र.)
अर्जुनस्य त्वचा सिद्धं क्षीरं योज्यं हृदामये ।
सितया पञ्चमूल्या वा बलया मधुकेन वा ।।
घृतेन दुग्धेन गुडाम्भसा वा पिबन्ति चूर्ण ककुभत्वचो ये ।
हृद्रोगजीर्णज्वररक्तपित्तं हत्वा भवेयुश्चिरजीविनस्ते ।। (च.द.)
(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants) for more information about health and ayurveda ,stay connected with us