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APAMARGA - Introduction,Therapeutics properties,Uses,Dose

APAMARGA - Introduction,Therapeutics properties,Uses,Dose

Views: 43 | Updated On: | By Dr Sangeeta Kuri

Botanical name – Achyranthes aspera Linn.

Family - Amaranthaceae

Hindi name - Chirachinta,Chirchira.

English name – Prickly chaff flower

Sanskrit names - Durgraha, Adhashalya (the thorns are in upward direction), Khara manjari, Pratyak pushpi (the flowers are in upward direction in contrast to their usual downward direction), Kinihi (it heals wounds),Markati, Karkatpippall, Shikhari, Mayuraka.

Botanical Description - Apamarga is a small herb 0.5 to 1 meters high. The branches are thick at the end. The leaves are small, elliptic or ovate, 6-8 cm long, 5-8 cm. broad, soft and hairy, The leaves are whitish on the dorsal side.

The flowers are greenish white and appear in inflorescence. Fruits thin, elliptic and greyish. The flowers blossom in winter and seeds disperse in summer.

Varieties – Two varieties - 1) White 2)Red (A. rubrofusco red dusky).

The branches, leaves, flowers, all organs of red variety are red in colour, hence the name. The branches are thin and quadrangular.

Modern scientists describe two varieties -

1) A. Porphystachs (red spikes) Raj Apamarga-the herb is 1.5 to 2 mtrs. high and leaves are 6 cm to 0.25 mtrs. Long.

2) Aargentea- the leaves are silver white in colour.

Habitat - It grows all over India.

Therapeutics Properties - Guna (qualities) – Laghu(lightness), Rooksha(dryness), Tikshana.

Rasa(Taste)- Katu(pungent),Tikta

Veerya- Ushna(hot potency)

Vipak - katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent).

Dosha - Kaphavatashamak, kaphapittasamshodhak.

The seeds are used for nasya (nasal insufflation) especially in kapha disorders. Its juice is given in pitta disorders, whereby it reduces acidity. Apamarga is supposed to be the best medicine in gall stones.

Chemical composition - The seeds and pentads (leaves, flowers, fruits, stem and root), contain potassium salts.

Betaine , Achyranthes saponin A,B ,C,D.( Reference - Ilustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II , by JLN Shastry)

Uses- External uses - Antiinflammatory, analgesic, antidote, antiseptic, nasal decongestant. Crushed leaves are applied on inflammatory lesions. Its anjan is applied in opthalmic disorders Juice of leaves is used in wounds. The leaves are crashed and applied on the area of scorpion stings. Oil processed in apamarga kshar is used in earache (otitis). A fine powder of seeds is used for pradhaman nasya (where this powder is blown through small tube into the nose). This reduces heaviness in the head instantly. The salts (kshars) are used in moles and fistula. Crushed seeds are applied locally in bleeding piles. The juice being haemostatic, stops bleeding from wounds.

Internal uses – Digestive system - Carminative, appetizer, antacid and anthelmintic in nature. It is a good remedy for excessive appetite. It is used in emesis, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, indigestion, flatulence, ascites, piles, gall-stones, helminthiasis etc. In excessive appetite, the seeds processed in milk and sugar are given as a food supplement. This preparation takes time to digest but does not create any disorders. Thus, it pacifies hunger as well. (It is believed that laddus prepared from seeds reduce appetite to such and extent that the person does not feel hungry for a couple of months.) Bhasmak is a disease where there is a voracious appetite. The seeds cooked in rice (khichadi ) are given in bhasmak for one week. Apamarga kshar is used in ascites.

Circulatory system - It is a blood purifier, it is also a haematinic and antiinflammatory. It is used in anaemia, rheumatoid arthritis, oedema and scrofula. Apamarga kshar being alkaline is used in acid peptic disorders.

Respiratory system - The powder of roots is used in bronchitis and asthma as decongestant.

Urinary system - It is a diuretic and reduces acidic pH of urine. Kshar is used in renal calculi, cystitis and nephritis.

Skin - It is used in dermatoses, moles and other skin disorders. Mole falls off when tied with kshar sutra of apamarga.

Reproductive system - Apamarga has been used for punsavan vidhi (Vagbhatta Sharir 139). Punsavan vidhi is a procedure to beget an offspring of desired sex Panchang of white apamarga is crushed and taken internally in pushya nakshatra. Apamrga roots are tied on abdomen for easy and safe delivery.

Temperature - In malaria and typhoid, it is advised that apamarga roots should be tied on arms.This action is said to be due to 'prabhav.

The nasal insufflation of roots reduces fever. It is a bitter tonic Black pepper and apamarga root along with water are given to drink in snake poisoning.

Parts used - Root, seed,leaf,whole plant,kshara.

Dosage – fresh juice 5 to 10 ml in divided dose per day. Kshara 0.5 to 2 gm in divided dose per day

Formulations - Gorochanadi gutika, Jyotishmati oil

References – अपामार्ग: सरस्तीक्ष्णो दीपनस्तिक्तक: कटु: । पाचनो रोचनछर्दिकफमेदोनिलापहः ।। निहन्ति हृद्रुजाध्मानकण्डुशूलोदरापची: (भा.प्र.)

अपामार्गस्तु तिक्तोष्णः कटुकः कफनाशनः । अर्शः कण्डूदरामघ्नो रक्तहृदग्राहिवान्तिकृत्।। (ध.नि.)

प्रत्यक्पुष्पी शिरोविरेचनानां श्रेष्ठा । (च.सू. २५-४०)

(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants)for more information about health and ayurveda, stay connected with us




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