Botanical name – Mangifera indica Linn.
Family - Anacardiaceae
Hindi name - Aam
English name – Mango
Sanskrit names – Kamashar, Madhavdruma, Bhrungubheeshta,
Seedhurasa,Vasantdoota, Kokilabandhuk, Shukapriya ,Atisaurabha,
Madirasav , Rasala, Chaitravriksha, Madhuphala.
Botanical Description - Amra is a very big tree having height of 10 to 12
mtrs. giving much shade. Leaves -13 to 16 cms. long and are used in sacred
functions. It has a distinct inflorescence which is fragrant. Flowering season
is spring and fruits occur in summer. (In India, mango has been known for
4000 years. In Ramayana and Mahabharata mango is described.) In the years
1556 to 1605, there was a garden having 1,00,000 Langada Mango trees in
Bihar. This garden was named as 'Lakh Baug'. There are approximately
1000 varieties of mango fruit. Some of them are Banganpalli,Cherukurasam,
Suvarnarekha, Neelam, Jahangeer, Phajarie, Khas, Ulkhas, Jardalu,
Himsagar, Shahpasand, Rogani, Rajapuree, Vansharaj, Alfanao, Pareira,
etc. As the tree ages, the number of fruits it bears also increase. There is the
largest mango tree Burelgaon at Ambala district. Its stem has diameter of
9.75 mtrs. and its branches spread about 2258 square mtr. area. And every
year this tree bears about 170 quintal fruits.
Chemical combination - Fruit contains 61.5% cellulose and vit. C.
Leaves and bark contain Mngiferin.
Therapeutics Properties -
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness),Snigdha,ruksha(dryness)
Rasa(Taste) - Kashaya (Bark and seeds),Madhur , amla
Veerya- Sheeta (Cold potency)
Vipak - Katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent)
Dosha - Mango has different properties according to its stages.
Bark, leaves, flowers and seeds are kapha pittashamak, haemostatic
and wound healing.
Ripe mango is vatapittashamak. (vata- pitta shamak.)
Raw fruit is tridoshakarak.( Raw fruit - tridosh prakopak)
Raw mango- appetizer, improves digestion and vitiates rakta pitta 'Panha'
(sherbet) reduces burning.
Leaves- antiemetic. In pyuria leaf juice is useful.
Flowers - astringent, antidiarrhoeal.
Bark- astringent heals the wounds and reduces inflammation of uterus.
Seed- anthelmintic reduces inflammation of uterus, antidiuretic, constipative
and useful in menorrhagia and leucorrhoea.
Ripe mango- unctous, laxative, cardiotonic, haemostatic, aphrodisiac, gives
strength and improves complexion.
Formulation – Katakakhadiradi Kashaya, Nyagrodhadi churna, Patrangasav.
Parts used - stem bark, leaf,flower,seed kernel
Dosage – Decoction - 50 to 100 ml
fresh juice - 10 to 20 ml
Seed powder - 3 to 6 gm
References –
आम्रबीजं कषायं स्याच्छर्यतीसारनाशनम् ।
ईषदम्लं मधुरं तथा हृदयदाहनुत् ।।
आम्रस्य पल्लवो रुच्यः कफपित्तविनाशन: (भा. प्र.)
रक्तपित्तकरं बालमापूर्ण पित्तवर्धनम् ।
पक्वमाम्रं जयेद्वायुं शुक्रमांसबलप्रदम् ।। (च. सू.)
पित्तानिलकरं बालं पित्तलं बद्धकेशरम् ।
हृद्यं वर्णकरं रुच्यं रक्तमांसबलप्रदम् ।।
कषायानुरसं स्वादु वातघ्नं बृंहणं गुरु ।
पित्ताविरोधि संपक्वमाम्रं शुक्रविवर्धनम् ।।
(सुः सू. ४६)
त्वमूलपल्लवं ग्राहि कषाय कफपित्तजित् । (ध. नि.)
आम्रत्वचा कषाया च मूलं सौगन्धि तादृशम् ।
रुच्यं संग्राहि शिशिरं पुष्षं रोचनदीपनम् ।। (रा. नि.)
(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants) for more information about health and ayurveda, stay connected with us