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AGNIMANTHA - Introduction , Therapeutic properties , Uses , Dose

AGNIMANTHA - Introduction , Therapeutic properties , Uses , Dose

Views: 51 | Updated On: | By Dr Sangeeta Kuri

Botanical name – Premna mucronata Linn.

Family - Verbinaceae

Hindi name - Arni,Tekar

Sanskrit names - Agnimantha (the branches when rubbed against each other, generate fire), Jaya (gains victory over diseases), Shriparna (having beautiful leaves), Ganikarika, Asavarika (grows in groups and promotes health), Vataghni (alleviates vata), Matha, Ketu, Nadeyi ( it grows in the banks of river so it is named as Nadeej or Nadeyi) , Tarakari.

Botanical Description - The tree grows upto a height of 8-10 meters. Bark- smoke coloured . Leaves-opposite, Ovate, tapering and soft. Flowers- white, aromatic and in clusters. Fruits- small like coriander fruit. Flowering stage is spring.

Varieties - varieties of Agnimantha.

Dhanvantari Nighantu - 1. Agnimantha(Tarkari) - [Clerodendron phlomoidis (Linn.)] 2. Nadeyi 3. Ksudragnimantha(Aranika)

Raja Nighantu – 1. Agnimantha – Premna integrifolia 2. Ksudragnimantha- Clerodendron phlomoidis

Habitat - Throughout India, mainly in the Gangetic plain, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa. Many trees of Agnimantha occur in Ramadas Takali near Nasik (Maharashtra).

Chemical composition - B-sitosterol, Luteolin, Aphelandrine, Premnine Betulin, Ganiarine etc. ( Referance – Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. ll, by Dr JLN Shastry)

Therapeutics Properties - Guna (qualities) - ruksha(dryness), Laghu (lightness)

Rasa(Taste) - Tikta, katu,Kashaya,Madhur

Veerya- Ushna (Hot potency)

Vipak - Katu (taste conversion after digestion pungent)

Dosha - Kaphavatanashak, hence useful in kapha vata disorders.

Uses- External uses - Ushna property helps in clearing obstruction of the channels and acts as anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The paste of the leaves is used for sprains.

Internal uses – Circulatory system - Best anti-inflammatory drug

Nervous system - Used in neuralgia and acts as an analgesic, chiefly used in vata disorders.

Digestive system - Its appetizing, digesting and laxative properties are useful in loss of appetite, ama-dosha and constipation.

Respiratory system - It is kaphaghna (alleviates kapha) and acts on diseases caused by obstruction of respiratory system by vitiated kapha e.g. cough, asthma and common cold.

Urinary system - It has effects on kapha, meda and urinary tract. Therefore useful in urinary disorders especially in chyluria. The decoction of root is used in pyuria.

Skin - Cures skin disorders. Pulp of its root is given orally in the treatment of urticaria, which has potential to check the pathogenesis of urticaria. The juice of leaves in a dose of 15 ml. thrice a day is also useful in urticaria.

Parts used - Leaves and root bark.

Dosage – leaf juice - 10 to 20 ml in divided dose, per day. powder - 1 to 3 gm decoction - 60 to 100 ml.

Formulations - Agnimantha kashaya, Dashamoolaristha.

References – अग्निमन्थो जयः सास्यात् श्रीपर्णी गणिकारिका । जया जयन्ती तर्कारी नादेयी वैजयन्तिका ।। अग्निमन्थः श्वयथुनुद् वीर्योष्णः कफवातहृत् । पाण्डुनुत् कटुकस्तिक्तस्तुवरो मधुरोऽग्निदः ।। (भा. प्र.)

तर्कारी कटुका तिक्ता तथोष्णाऽनिलपाण्डुनुत् । शोथश्लेष्माग्निमांद्यामविबन्धांश्च विनाशयेत् ।। (ध. नि.)

तर्कारी कटुका तिक्ता तुवरा मधुराऽग्निदा । वीर्योष्णा हरते वातकफश्वयथुपाण्डुताः ।। अग्निमन्थो गुणैस्तद्वद्विशेषाद् 'वातशोथहा । (के. नि.)

(Reference - Ayurvedic pharmacology & Therapeutic uses of Medicinal plants) for more information about health and ayurveda , stay connected with us




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